Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani
Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani is the founder and owner of Khorasani Consulting specialized in executive coaching, leadership, public speaking and intercultural trainings. Dr. Khorasani has been conducting seminars in executive coaching, leadership, and intercultural trainings in the banking, insurance and law firm and real estate industries. He has taught across Europe in English, German, and Spanish in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland and UK.
Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani is the author of Arms and Armor from Iran: The Bronze Age to the End of the Qajar Period (published 2006) that features a detailed analysis of Iranian arms and armor from the pre-historical times to the end of the Qajar rule in Iran. This book is based on over 800 primary and secondary sources and features a detailed analysis of over 520 artifacts from ten Iranian museums for the first time. Some selected items from private collections are also featured in this book. The book won the prize "The World Book Prize of the Islamic Republic of Iran" in the field of Iranian Studies in February 2009. Dr. Khorasani is also the author of the book Lexicon of Arms and Armor from Iran: A Study of Symbols and Terminology (published 2010) that features the inventory of arms and armor of another Iranian museum "The Cultural Institution of the Museums of Bonyad." The lexicon provides a sound and solid base of terminology of arms and armor in Persian by presenting all major types of the Persian language, namely the Avestan, the Old Persian, the Middle Persian (Pahlavi), and the New Persian. Next to each entry which is written in its phonetic alphabet, the original script is provided as well.
Dr. Khorasani is also the author of the book Antique Oriental and Arab Weapons and Armour: The Streshinskiy Collection (published 2010). The Streshinsky collection of antique arms and armor contains 140 items from different Muslim countries spread over a wide geographical areas. These items can be divided into 32 pieces from North, West and East Africa (items from Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Western Sudanic Africa, Sahara, Somalia and Ethiopia), 9 items from the Arabian Peninsula (items from Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen) and 1 item from Iraq, 29 items from the Ottoman Empire, 4 items from Caucasus, 18 items from Iran and 3 items from Afghanistan, 42 items from India and 2 items from Indonesia.
Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani has written over seventy four print articles, lexicon entries, book contributions and exhibition catalogs related to arms and armor from Iran in 24 print journals and magazines, an encyclopedia and one in a book in English, German, Spanish, French and Persian for American, Argentinian, Austrian, British, Canadian, French, German, Indian, Iranian, South Korean and Spanish magazines. These magazines include: Peer-review academic magazines, such as Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (University of Leon, Spain), The International Society of Eastern Sports & Physical Education (University of Suwon, South Korea), Antiguo Oriente (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires), Quaderni Asiatici (Milan, Italy), Journal of the Iranian Studies (University of Kerman, Iran), Journal of the Archaeology of the Islamic Azad University of Abhar (University of Abhar, Iran), Journal of Asian Martial Arts (USA); Military history and history journals, such as Classic Arms and Militaria (UK), Memoria la Historia de Cerca (Spain), Militär & Geschichte (Germany), Karfunkel (Germany), Pallasch: Zeitschrift für Militärgeschichte (Austria); Museum journals, archaeology journals and exhibition catalogues, such as Majele-ye Muzeha (Iran), Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte (Germany); Forging, sword, knife and archery magazines, such as Hephaistos (Germany), Tactical Knives (USA), Messer Magazin (Germany), Schwert und Klinge (Germany), Majale-ye Jangafzar (Iran), Tradionelle Bogenschießen (Germany); Cultural and science magazines, such as Persian Heritage (USA), Echo of Islam (Iran), Daneshmand (Iran), La Revue de Téhéran (Iran, France); and Zoroastrian magazines, such as Parsiana (India) and Fezana Journal (Canada). He also wrote an article titled "Persian Swordmakers (Armeiros Persas)" in the book Rites of Power: Oriental Arms (Rituais de Poder: Armas Orientais) that was published in 2010. Dr. Khorasani also wrote two entries for the peer-review encyclopedia "Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia of History and Innovation" on historical Iranian martial arts and belief systems. Dr. Khorasani cooperated in identifying and describing over 60 artifacts for the exhibition "The Power of Iranian Steel: From Iron to the Crucible the Crucible Steel" that took place in the Cultural Instute of Museums in Tehran. He wrote the exhibition catalog for that event and also wrote another catalog on the works of the contemporary Iranian smith Mohammad reza Farajian the son of the late master swordsmith Ostad Haj Hosseyn Farajian.
Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani is a specialist in the arms and armor of the Middle East with a special emphasis on Iranian arms and armor. He has done extensive research on the primary and secondary sources of Iranian arms and armor, the military history of Iran, images and decoration on arms and armor, different methods of casting bronze and iron weapons, the casting of bronze and forging of steel weapons, and the terminology related to Persian arms and armor. He has analyzed the inventories of eleven Iranian arms and armor museums and analyzed over 200 manuscripts searching for arms and armor related terms and terminology. Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani is a research member of the International Society of Eastern Sports and Pan Asian Society of Sports of Suwon University, South Korea, being responsible for the traditional martial arts in Iran.
Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani wrote his doctorate thesis on the analysis of conflicts and controversies in the field of English linguistics titled "Controversies in Online Discussion Forums: A Pragmatic Analysis" under Professor Dr. Andreas H. Jucker at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany. His doctoral thesis was published as a book titled The Development of Controversies: From Early Modern Period to Online Discussion Forums by Peter Lang Verlag Bern in the series "Linguistics Insights" edited by Professor Mauricio Gotti in 2009. Dr. Moshtagh Khorasani holds a Masters degree (Diplom-Anglist) in English linguistics and Business Administration and a minor in Spanish from the University of Giessen (Germany). His thesis was titled "Eliciting Information: The Form and Function of Questions in Marketing Research Questionnaires". He also studied at the University of Wisconsin (USA) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
Dr. Khorasani is a martial art expert with many years of experence in traditional and historical weapons, unarmed combat (striking range, mid range and grappling range and ground fighting). Currently, Dr. Khorasani is working on reviving Persian swordsmanship and the traditional martial arts of Iran. At the same time, he has been working on the application of swordsmanship training to modern day leadership seminars and training.